Who knew a 1" bulb could become such a great marketing and customer service lesson? After trying to deal with Best Buy for a month about a warranty issue I got so mad I gave up and discovered a wonderful locally owned shop that replaced my projector bulb and had me on my way in under 1/2 hour. You can read the long version of this saga on my Lifestylist® page -it still amazes me how I was treated by a company that should care more about it's customers than Best Buy seems to.
Then today when I was getting all of my facts checked I went to the Best Buy Facebook page so I could quote other unhappy customers, and one of them had linked to a Forbes article about "Why Best Buy Is Going Out of Business Gradually". They linked to a follow-up story that talked about how Best Buy handled different issues "The People Vs Best Buy Round Two" Sadly, it's nice to know I'm not the only one that feels this way and they have even given lousy customer service to Larry Downes, a professor and best selling author.
I'll never get back the time I've wasted on this, but I'm hoping that by sharing these experiences I can help my readers not make the same purchasing mistakes.
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